Strategic Value fom Voice of Customer Platform

How to Win the Voice of Customer Battle

For some companies, a voice of the customer (VoC) platform can feel like a Lamborghini stuck in the driveway. A very expensive piece of equipment that remains unused or underutilized. To get the most out of a VoC platform, companies must therefore ensure it becomes a central part of their CX strategy to deliver actionable results. Critical to this is an understanding of how to implement the platform and how to manage the supporting VoC ecosystem.

What is a VoC Platform?

A voice of the customer platform (or voice of the client) is defined by Gartner as one that “integrates feedback collection, analysis and action into a single interconnected platform that helps understand and improve the customer experience.”

What is the strategic value of a VoC Platform?

There are ten strategic values across three dimensions that can be obtained from a VoC platform implementation. Download this White Paper to learn more and find out how to take full advantage of these powerful technologies.

Download the VoC White Paper: