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Employee Experience Management

Make employee engagement the new norm

If your employees aren't happily engaged in the work of satisfying clients, there is no chance your clients will enjoy their experience with your firm.

How should firms capitalize on employee engagement opportunities? 

Employee Experience Management (EXM) is a strategic engagement approach. It helps firms create and manage positive experiences for employees throughout their journey with your firm. It encompasses an employee assessment, mapping every interaction an employee has with the organization from recruitment to onboarding, performance management, career development, offboarding and EX aligned initiatives.

Our Employee Experience and engagement programs are derived from industry leading employee engagement strategies. They help you to understand:

  • How to set and measure your employee engagement baseline. How engaged (or disengaged) is every employee?
  • How to boost overall staff engagement.
  • Ways to increase engagement in every partner.
  • What really drives your employees.
  • What tensions are depleting employee engagement.
  • Whate are the realities of employee retention in your workplace?
  • How do you connect engagement with retention and workplace performance?
  • How do you address retention through improved Employee Engagement?
  • How should you invest in systems that boost employee engagement and long-term retention?

We also use tools like the Tension Inventory, and the Tension Triangulation Method (seen below) to isolate and address cause and effect in employee disengagement.

Addressing cultural tensions affecting employee engagement

By gathering employee feedback and developing initiatives that support employee engagement, career development, and well-being, companies can create a positive work environment that benefits both employees and the organization.

What are the steps for an employee engagement program?

  1. Measure and assess. Establish a baseline through employee engagement surveys to chart your path to truly engaged workers.
  2. Comprehensive Employee Journey Mapping to establish the employee experience from hire to offboarding in order to identify areas for improvement and opportunities for improvement. 
  3. Create programs and initiatives to retain and attract the best workers for true team engagement.

Firms that prioritize Employee Experience Management are better positioned to attract and retain top talent, which can give them a competitive advantage in their industry/or the marketplace.